Präteritum forms

The Präteritum can be associated with the Past Simple tense of the English language. However there are some differences. The proper usage of verbal tenses in the German language will be thoroughly analyzed in a later article.

Weak verbs

The stem receives the following endings:
-te : ich sagte-ten : wir sagten
-test : du sagtest-tet : ihr sagtet
-te : er/sie/es sagte-ten : Sie/sie sagten
An observation should be made here about the case in which the stem of the verb ends in -t, -d, or in -m, -n when another consonant (except r or l) precedes this last letter. In this case an -e- is insert, as the example below illustrates.
ich antwort-e-te, du bad-e-test, er atm-e-te, wir rechn-e-te etc.

Strong verbs

Strong verb change their stem at this tense(Präteritum) and receive the following endings:
- ich kam ich fuhr ich ging
-st du kamst du fuhrst du gingst
- er kam er fuhr er ging
-en wir kamen wir fuhren wir gingen
-t ihr kamt ihr fuhrt ihr gingt
-en sie kamen sie fuhren sie gingen
There are certain patterns in the vowel changes which will be presented in a later article, however, the best way to learn them is by reading and actually using the language, by gaining as much exposure to it as possible.

The present tense

Weak verbs

The stem of the verb receives the following endings:
-e : ich sage-en: wir sagen
-st : du sagst-t: ihr sagt
-t : er/sie/es sagt-en: sie/Sie sagen

A few helpful rules about special cases:

1.If the stem of the verb ends in -t or -d, or if it ends in -n or -m and a consonant (except -r, -l) lies right before this ending, an -e- is added to the second and third person singular, and second person plural:

-eich badeich atmeich rechne
-estdu badestdu atmestdu rechnest
-eter badeter atmeter rechnet
-enwir badenwir atmenwir rechnen
-etihr badetihr atmetihr rechnet
-ensie badensie atmensie rechnen
However: er erbarmt sich, er lernt, er qualmt, er filmt.

2.If the stem of the verb ends in -s/-ß/-x/-z, then the second person singular ending loses its 's':
  • du grüßt
  • du mixt
  • du kratzt

3.If the infinitive of the verb ends in -eln, the -e- is omitted from the stem in the case of the first person singular form (this does not happen with -ern endings):
  • klingeln - ich klingle (du klingelst etc)
4. If the infinitive ends in -eln or -ern, the endings of first and third person plural are -n (are always identical to the infinitive).(wir klingeln, sie ändern etc).

Strong verbs:

The strong verb conjugation follows the same rules as the weak verb conjugation, however there are a few more things to consider.

Strong verbs with the vowels -e-, -a-, -au-, -o- in their stem change those into -i-(ie), -ä-, -äu- and -ö- respectively.
ich nehme ich fahre ich laufe ich stoße
du nimmst du fährst du läufst du stößt
er nimmt er fährt er läuft er stößt
wir nehmen wir fahren wir laufen wir stoßen
ihr nehmt ihr fahrt ihr lauft ihr stoßt
sie nehmen sie fahren sie laufen sie stoßen

Conjugations of some of the irregular verbs can be found in later articles as well as on Wiktionary..

German verbs

Verbs are words which designate actions (arbeiten), processes (regnen, fallen) and existence (liegen, blühen). They make up a separate word class because of this characteristic.

Depending of their function, verbs may be found in different forms : Personalform, Konjunktivform, Infinitiv, Partizip, or in different verbal tenses. In a sentence, the verbs usually have the role of the predicate, however they can take any other role (direct object, subject, indirect object, attributes).

Die Blumen blühen.
Diese Ausführungen sind überzeugend.
Leben heißt kämpfen.
Er lernt schwimmen.
Er blieb erschrocken stehen.
Das war eine gelungene Veranstaltung.
The already big set of verbs is complemented with new words formed with different methods of word formation (derivation with prefixes, suffixes, compounding etc.). Additionally, many words from different word classes can be used as verbs (a process called conversion)(examples: frühstücken, landen, übernachten, langweilen).

The forms of verbs

When considering the conjugation of a verb we have to differentiate between two groups of verbs: weak verbs and strong verbs.
  • the stem of a weak verb does not change: sagen - er sagt , er sagte, gesagt
  • while strong verbs do change their stem: nehmen - er nimmt, er nahm, genommen

Overview of the verb endings

PronounPresent tensePräteritum (past simple)Konjunktiv I and II
weak and strong verbsweakstrongweak and strong verbs
ich -e -t-e- - - -e
du -(e)st -t-e-st -(e)st -est
er/sie/es -(e)t -t-e - -e
wir -en -t-e-n -en -en
ihr -(e)t -t-e-t -(e)t -et
sie/Sie -en -t-e-n -en -en

Two types of verb forms

We can further divide verbs forms into : simple (present, past simple tenses, konjunktiv I, II present tense) and compound forms (zusammengesetzte Verbformen) (verb forms (the passive, Perfekt, Plusquamperfekte etc) which require certain auxiliary verbs in their formation.