Präteritum forms

The Präteritum can be associated with the Past Simple tense of the English language. However there are some differences. The proper usage of verbal tenses in the German language will be thoroughly analyzed in a later article.

Weak verbs

The stem receives the following endings:
-te : ich sagte-ten : wir sagten
-test : du sagtest-tet : ihr sagtet
-te : er/sie/es sagte-ten : Sie/sie sagten
An observation should be made here about the case in which the stem of the verb ends in -t, -d, or in -m, -n when another consonant (except r or l) precedes this last letter. In this case an -e- is insert, as the example below illustrates.
ich antwort-e-te, du bad-e-test, er atm-e-te, wir rechn-e-te etc.

Strong verbs

Strong verb change their stem at this tense(Präteritum) and receive the following endings:
- ich kam ich fuhr ich ging
-st du kamst du fuhrst du gingst
- er kam er fuhr er ging
-en wir kamen wir fuhren wir gingen
-t ihr kamt ihr fuhrt ihr gingt
-en sie kamen sie fuhren sie gingen
There are certain patterns in the vowel changes which will be presented in a later article, however, the best way to learn them is by reading and actually using the language, by gaining as much exposure to it as possible.